Tips For Dog Training

Tips For Dog Training:

Tips For Dog Training
Tips For Dog Training

Here are seven (7) tips for training your dog.

  • 2 or 3 short sessions a day – more if you're both loving it, never fewer than one please!
  • 3-10 minutes per session so everyone is left wanting more and no one is tired, bored, or stuffed to the gills with treats.
  • Practice when and where you and your dog can focus on one another.
  • If you're struggling with a skill, stop, take a breath, practice something you've had success with, and leave that skill for another day.
  • There are many different techniques (targeting, luring, capturing, etc.) to teach your dog the skills you're working on. Whatever works best for you is the one to use, and the same technique may not always be the best one for a given skill.
  • Distance, duration, and distraction should be practiced one at a time. When you change something (new place, greater distractions, harder exercise for either one of you), lower your criteria. Just because your dog can do everything perfectly in the kitchen does not mean he can do it in front of a butcher shop while a cat convention walks by.
  • Contact Nicole Flowers for help when you need it.

Need Training?

Portland Dog Training Services provided by Nicole Flowers
Call Today (503)-929-3319