House Training:
The tag "house training" relates to: canine, dog, dog training, older dog, pet health, pets, responsible pet ownership, senior dog, tips, and urine. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "house training".

Remember that you and your new dog need some time to learn each other’s signals and routines. Even if he was housetrained in his previous home, if you don’t recognize his “bathroom” signal, which may be nothing more than sniffing or staring at you, you might miss his request to go out, causing him to eliminate indoors. Additionally, scents and odors from other pets in the new home may stimulate some initial urine marking.

House training older dogs is a more delicate process than with younger dogs. You will also experience more difficulties in house training older dogs as they tend to respond and progress much slower to most training methods and commands than younger dogs. Don't lose hope, we can help, with three (3) tips you can use to housetrain your older dog.

When you get a new puppy or dog, you'll need to show him or her what is acceptable in your home. Different people may have different rules: Some want to train their dogs to eliminate in litter trays or on paper, while others want all 'bathroom' business to occur outdoors. For your dog to Know what you want, you have to establish a predictable routine.