
Pet Training, Pet Care, Pet Tips, and More from a Portland, Oregon Perspective


Blog Posts:

The Perfect Pooch

Dogs -

Choosing the right breed for your lifestyle is crucial when considering getting a furry companion, and it involves assessing your living situation, preferred activity level, suitable temperament, maintenance and grooming needs, family situation, and the dog's age. While some breeds are known to have specific traits, every dog is unique, and a strong foundation of training, love, and patience goes a long way in getting the right fit. Remember to stay open-minded and flexible, and embark on the journey of finding that perfect fur-friend!

Crafting a Tailored Diet for Your Feathered Friends

Birds -

Portland pet birds need a well-rounded, nutrient-rich diet for optimal health. Local produce, such as fresh, in-season fruits and veggies found at farmers markets and co-ops, can add flavor and nutrition to their meals. Ensuring the right amount of protein, from sources such as cooked lean meats and hard-boiled eggs, is essential, as well as providing birds with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and supplements. Moderation should be exercised when offering treats such as unsalted nuts, seeds, and fresh fruit to avoid adverse health effects. With a diverse and balanced diet, Portland pet birds will thrive with energy, vibrant health, and happy chirps.