
Pet Training, Pet Care, Pet Tips, and More from a Portland, Oregon Perspective


Blog Posts:

The Poodle

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Meet the Poodle, a breed that is much more than its glamorous appearance suggests. Known for their exceptional intelligence, Poodles are quick learners and problem solvers. Beyond the show ring, where their grace and posture are celebrated, they lead active, engaging lives, thriving on exercise and play. Their iconic coats are a grooming commitment, but one that many poodle parents find rewarding. Perfect for families, these dogs are known for their loving and gentle temperament. However, like all breeds, Poodles have unique health considerations and benefit from a tailored approach to training. Dive into the rich history of this remarkable breed, and discover why the Poodle is so much more than just a pretty face.

The Toyger

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Imagine having a mini tiger that prowls through your living room, but with the temperament of a loving and playful cat. Meet the Toyger—a domestic cat breed designed to resemble a tiny tiger. In this article, we explore the fascinating origins of the Toyger, from the vision of creating a ‘household tiger’ to its recognition as an official breed. We’ll delve into the Toyger’s striking physical characteristics, playful and affectionate nature, and the special considerations for their health and care. Plus, we guide you through the process of adopting a Toyger in Oregon, where they are becoming a beloved addition to many Portland homes.

Sun, Sand, and Safety: Your Dog’s Summer Health Guide

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As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time for some outdoor fun with your furry friend. But the summer season, with its scorching heat and intense sun, can pose unique challenges and risks to your dog’s health. From the importance of keeping your pup hydrated to the essentials of sun protection, this guide covers it all. Learn how to recognize and prevent heatstroke, exercise your dog safely in the heat, and prepare for summer travels with your canine companion. Dive into this comprehensive summer health guide and ensure that your dog’s summer is as safe and enjoyable as it is sunny.

Hot Dogs & Cool Cats: Preventing Heatstroke in the Summer Sun

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In the scorching summer sun, our furry friends are just as susceptible to heatstroke as we are. This article, "Hot Dogs & Cool Cats: Preventing Heatstroke in the Summer Sun," serves as a comprehensive guide to keeping your pets safe and cool during the hottest months. Learn how to recognize the early signs of heatstroke and the steps to take if your pet is affected. Discover the importance of hydration, how to create a cool environment for your pets, and the benefits of pet-safe sunscreens. We also delve into when it’s time to seek professional veterinary care, tips for exercising your pets in the heat, and how to make DIY cooling treats that your dogs and cats will love. Plus, we’ll explore how you can educate others about the dangers of pet heatstroke.