Dog Training:
Dog Training Blog Posts:
How To House Train Your Dog
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This article shall give a few pointers on the fundamentals of house training your dog. House training your dog can be achieved surprisingly quickly if you follow a few simple steps and take the time to be consistent.
Questions Your Should Ask A Dog Training Professional Before You Hire Them
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Selecting the right dog trainer is important. Here are ten questions you should ask any potential dog training professional before hiring them. These questions focus on the positive reinforcement training method, and include a guide to identifying stress in your pet.
These Leashes Are The Best
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Contrary to popular belief, you can't use just any leash when teaching your pup the obedience basics. The best dog leashes for training will vary in style and size, depending on what you're teaching.
Professional Dog Training Titles
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You may be surprised to discover that there are no educational, experience, training, skill, certification, or licensing requirements for anyone to call themselves a dog trainer or behaviorist in the United States. None. Zip. Zero. Nada. Your plumber could decide to hang out a shingle and start training dogs tomorrow, even if he or she has never touched or even seen a dog in his or her entire life.