The tag "food" relates to: cat, dog, dog treats, frozen treats, peanut butter, pet diets, pet health, pets, refreshing, and responsible pet ownership. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "food".

We're all guilty of it - giving in to those big begging eyes pleading at us for a scrap from the table during dinner. However, the truth is that human food can be harmful to your pet, and in some cases, can be fatal. Here are just a few of some of the most common "human foods" that are harmful to pets.

A healthy diet is important for everyone, even your pets! When picking out the right food for your pet, there are important things to consider. While the CDC does not recommend feeding raw diets to pets because of germs like Salmonella and Listeria bacteria, we do have some suggestions on safely handling, preparing and storing raw foods.