The tag "cat" relates to: dog, feline, flea control, fleas, health, negative behavior, pet health, pets, responsible pet ownership, and training. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "cat".

Infected animals can spread Monkeypox virus to people, and it is possible that people who are infected can spread Monkeypox virus to animals through close contact, including petting, cuddling, hugging, kissing, licking, sharing sleeping areas, and sharing food.

Your pets can be affected by wildfire smoke. If you feel the effects of smoke, they probably do, too! Smoke can irritate your pet's eyes and respiratory tract. Animals with heart or lung disease and older pets are especially at risk from smoke and should be closely watched during all periods of poor air quality.

If you have a plan in place for you and your pets, you will likely encounter less difficulty, stress and worry when you need to make a decision during an emergency. If local officials ask you to evacuate, that means your pet should evacuate too. If you leave your pets behind, they may end up lost, injured or worse.

When life returns to "normal," many dogs will return to being alone for a good portion of the day. This might be a hard adjustment for many dogs. Some dogs might suffer from separation anxiety-related issues. Here are a few ideas to prevent separation anxiety from developing or returning after the lockdown ends.

If you are tired of seeing your cat climbing everywhere they can in your home or apartment, then maybe it's time to purchase some cat furniture. You might not be aware, but your feline loves vertical spaces and needs an appropriate climbing place. Cat furniture is specially designed to address the instinctual needs of cats.

Have you ever wondered what your feline companion is thinking? I'm certain most pet owners have, at least every once in a while. When you figure out how to read non-verbal communication cues from your cat you can! Carefully consider what your cats tail, ears, and hide are doing and you may be able to read their feelings.