The tag "cat" relates to: dog, feline, flea control, fleas, health, negative behavior, pet health, pets, responsible pet ownership, and training. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "cat".

One of the wonderful things we all love about cats is their soft, delicate fur. When they ingest dead, loose hairs in the process of grooming, what usually happens is that they pass through the digestive system without any problems. However, if too much hair builds up in the stomach, it causes irritation of the stomach lining, and this when a furball will be produced.

Brutus, Duke, Coco, Lola and Jake... they're fairly common pet names, and they're also the names of just a few of the pets who have died because they were left in cars on warm (and not necessarily hot) days while their owners were shopping, visiting friends or family, or running errands. What's so tragic is that these beloved pets were simply the victims of bad judgment.

Your cat hears, sees, smells, tastes, and feels the world differently than you do (and processes it all through a very different brain), so it should be no surprise that there are often miscommunications between humans and cats! To understand and to ultimately change your cat's behavior, it is essential that you understand how your cat interprets the world.

Overstimulation is the swatting or biting behavior that cats exhibit in response to too much petting. Oftentimes, cats who are easily overstimulated are friendly cats who will seek attention from people, but then strike out after a short period of petting. The cause of overstimulation is not known, but there are ways to reduce the incidences of biting and swatting.

An important part of keeping your cat healthly and happy is checking and cleaning their ears. Because the ears are one of the few parts that cats can not reach themselves they need a little help from a loving owner. You may be suprised to learn that special ear cleaning solutions exist specifically for your furry friend. Ask your veterinarian for a gentle ear cleaning solutions you can use to keep your cats ears clean.

Cats are truly creatures of comfort. They are most secure in their known environment. It is very upsetting to a cat to leave her own territory to visit the veterinary hospital. At the veterinarian's, she will encounter strange people, unusual odors, and a clinical setting. She will hear barking dogs and meowing cats. She will be handled by a stranger, which, for most cats, is unnerving. Learn what you can do to reduce your pets stress levels.