The tag "veterinarian" relates to: cat, dog, myths, pet health, pets, protection, responsible pet ownership, sunburn, sunscreen, and veterinary. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "veterinarian".

Navigating the world of canine skincare can be a challenge. This article dispels common misconceptions about sunscreen for dogs and provides practical tips to safeguard your furry friend from harmful sun exposure. Understand why sun protection is as important for your pup as it is for you, and learn how to make informed decisions about your pet's health.

Cats are truly creatures of comfort. They are most secure in their known environment. It is very upsetting to a cat to leave her own territory to visit the veterinary hospital. At the veterinarian's, she will encounter strange people, unusual odors, and a clinical setting. She will hear barking dogs and meowing cats. She will be handled by a stranger, which, for most cats, is unnerving. Learn what you can do to reduce your pets stress levels.

Chasing is a natural instinct for a dog, but it is not appropriate behavior in your home when directed toward your cat. The following guidelines can help you deal with this behavior through management (preventing the problem) and training (motivating the dog to change his behavior). Management means arranging the environment to prevent the behavior.

Chasing is a natural instinct for a dog, but it is not appropriate behavior in your home when directed toward your cat. The following guidelines can help you deal with this behavior through management (preventing the problem) and training (motivating the dog to change his behavior). Management means arranging the environment to prevent the behavior.