The tag "wildlife" relates to: aggression, animals, cat, dangerous, dog, health, monkeypox, pet health, pets, and responsible pet ownership. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "wildlife".

Infected animals can spread Monkeypox virus to people, and it is possible that people who are infected can spread Monkeypox virus to animals through close contact, including petting, cuddling, hugging, kissing, licking, sharing sleeping areas, and sharing food.

Animals and Rabies
onIn the United States, more than 90% of reported cases of rabies in animals occur in wildlife. Rabies affects only mammals. Mammals are warm-blooded animals with fur. People are also mammals. Birds, snakes, and fish are not mammals, so they can't get rabies and they can't give it to you. But any mammal can get rabies, including people.

onRabies is a fatal but preventable viral disease. It can spread to people and pets if they are bitten or scratched by a rabid animal. In the United States, rabies is mostly found in wild animals like bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. However, in many other countries dogs still carry rabies, and most rabies deaths in people around the world are caused by dog bites.