Blog Posts:
Adopting The Right Cat For You
Cats -
The well-fed house cat is an unmotivated and clumsy hunter. However, your cat still has the skills and instincts of a born predator. This shows up as play – stalking, pouncing, chasing anything that moves, and ambushing you or other companion animals are all feline ways of having a good time.
Are You At Higher Risk For The Diseases Animals Can Carry?
Health -
Prior to adopting a new pet, you should evaluate the potential risk of animal carried diseases. Certain people are more susceptible to diseases animals can carry then others, this includes but isn't limited to young children, seniors, individuals with compromised immune systems, and pregnant women.
Cat Aggression
Cats -
The well-fed house cat is an unmotivated and clumsy hunter. However, your cat still has the skills and instincts of a born predator. This shows up as play – stalking, pouncing, chasing anything that moves, and ambushing you or other companion animals are all feline ways of having a good time.
Relationship-based Dog Training
Dog Training -
Relationship-based trainers have realistic expectations. When training animals, we use lots of patience. They understand that animals are not born knowing how to fit into our human lives. Most adult animals are not adequately taught how to be part of a loving human family. Even if they have been in a loving home, they may still lack the social skills to be comfortable around strangers and in new situations.
Why You May Want To Consider Relationship-Based Dog Training
Dog Training -
Relationship-based dog training is based on trust. When you have a trusting, cooperative relationship with an animal (whether a dog, cat, parrot, horse, or another animal), you have his respect, and he'll want to spend time with you and work with you. Relationship-based trainers do not train with methods that use excessive force, threats, fear, intimidation, pain or dominance. Training based on such aversive methods damages any trusting relationship you might develop with the animal.
What Is Inadvertent Training?
Dog Training -
When you correct and praise, the dog interprets it as relating to the last thing he did. This can sometimes cause problems. This articles discusses inadvertent training relative to dog training.