Blog Posts:
Coping With The Canine Escape Artist
Dogs -
Proper training is essential for a long, happy, and safe relationship with your dog, setting the foundation to ensure your dog stays physically fit, mentally alert, socially engaged, and emotionally happy. Remember, training a dog takes time, understanding, patience, and consistency.
Changing Your Cat's Behavior
Cats -
Many people believe that cats are too independent or apathetic to respond to people's attempts to modify their behavior. But the failures people have experienced when attempting to alter their cat's behavior are not the fault of the cat. Rather, they are misunderstandings between humans and felines.
A Care Guide For Your Ferret
Exotic Species -
Congratulations! You are bringing a ferret into your home. Here is what you need to know and expect from your new fuzzy family member. This article will cover everything: supplies you'll need, behavior, socialization, diet, expected lifespan, habitat, grooming and more.
Preventing Dog Bites On Children
Dogs -
Here are some guidelines for selecting a veterinarian for your pet. It's by no means an exhaustive list, but we hope it will help you to pinpoint the right person for you and for your animal. Our pets give us so much that the least we can do for them is to find the best doctor around.
How Dog Training Helps Your Dog to Behave in a Manner You Require
Dog Training -
If you are a new dog owner or planning on owning one soon, it's important to recognize the value of proper training. Untrained dogs may have traits you don't like. They may bite you or your family members. So if you want your pet to behave properly, you should give it proper training. Proper training can come from a trainer or dog training academy.
How To Stay Healthy Around Dogs
Dogs -
Before buying or adopting a dog or puppy, make sure a dog is the right type of pet for your family. Talk to your veterinarian about the right type of dog for you to make sure the dog you choose fits your lifestyle and needs. Be aware that dogs can sometimes carry germs that can make people sick, even when they appear clean and healthy. Visit your veterinarian for routine care to keep your dog healthy and to prevent infectious diseases.