Cats Blog Posts:
The Shy And Fearful Cat
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Cats are like people. They are all different. Like people, it is difficult to tell how they will turn out as adults. There are, however, some important factors influencing whether or not a cat will extend that basic shyness into fear.
Disaster Planning For Cat Owners
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Disasters happen, that's a fact you can't avoid. However, you can be prepared. If you have a plan in place for your cats, you will likely encounter less difficulty, stress and worry during an emergency.
Traveling With Your Cat
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A cat is not a born traveler. She would much prefer staying at home with a sitter stopping by each day to freshen the water, refill the food dish, and give a few behind-the-ear scratches. It is sometimes necessary, however, for your cat to join in the travel. Therefore, a carrier of some sort is essential.
Does Your Cat Jump On The Counter?
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Cats love to jump. You would too, it you were a cat! They also like high places where they can view their territory from relative security. Cats are naturally curious, and there are a lot of interesting things on counter tops, including food. A one-time discovery of a food tidbit will become a powerful reinforcer for dozens of future explorations.
Does Your Cat Spray?
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First, it is important to understand the difference between spraying (urine marking) and indiscriminate urination. A cat who is not using the litter box, who is urinating outside of the box, is usually motivated by a different set of circumstances. Urination of this kind is found in the form of a puddle on a horizontal surface. A cat who is spraying will usually urine-mark a vertical surface. This cat's urine will be running down a door or the side of a chair.
Cats And The Litter Box
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In the best of all possible worlds, a cat would be happiest having access to both the indoors and outdoors. Cats love the security and warmth of being inside. They also love the sights, smells, and excitement of the outside. Today's outside world, however, can be dangerous for a cat.