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Pet Health Blog Posts:
What Is Pet Insurance?
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Pet insurance is not health insurance for your pet, although at times, it sure sounds like it is. While most of us consider our pets members of our families, legally they are personal property. That is why pet insurance is considered a type of property and casualty insurance, like automobile and homeowners policies, as opposed to a health insurance policy.
Controlling Fleas On Dogs And Cats
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Cat fleas are dark reddish-brown in color. the females are 2 - 2.5 mm long and the males slightly smaller. The life cycle of the flea begins when the female lays eggs which hatch into larvae. Each larva eventually spins a cocoon where it transforms into a pupa and finally emerges as an adult flea.
Fleas And Your Pets Health
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Fleas are tiny, flat, wingless, blood-sucking insects that live on the skin of a host animal. They can carry and transmit serious diseases and are the leading cause of skin problems in domestic dogs and cats. Often, fleas can be seen scurrying under their host's fur, but they can be challenging to catch.
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Fleas are small insects that survive by feeding on animal or human blood. Their bites can cause discomfort, itchiness, and irritation. Sometimes, fleas can infect people or pets with the germs that cause flea-borne typhus, plague, or cat scratch disease.
Pet Vaccinations
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Whether or not to vaccinate pets and how often to vaccinate are among the most debated questions in veterinary medicine in recent years. It used to be so easy: You took your dog or cat to your veterinarian once a year, your pet received the recommended vaccinations and whatever other things he or she might need, and you went on your way. Now, the standard of care in veterinary medicine has changed. No longer are we vaccinating every animal every year with every vaccine available.
Fleas In The Spring And Summer
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Fleas are particularly annoying to people and pets, especially during spring and early summer when their during spring and early summer when their numbers tend to increase dramatically. numbers tend to increase dramatically.