Pets Blog Posts:
Summer Pet Care Tips for Keeping Your Pet Safe and Happy in the Heat
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Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors with your pet, but it's important to take steps to keep them safe and healthy in the heat. Here are some tips for keeping your pet cool and comfortable during the summer months.
Animal Bite Prevention
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Most animal bites are potentially preventable. Animal bite prevention involves all parties associated with a potential bite incident. this includes the bite victim, animal owner, and the community at large. Each has a role to play in reducing the occurrences of animal bites. Did you know it is estimated that 30% to 90% of dog bites are in some manner provoked?
Finding A Lost Pet
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It's every pet parent's nightmare: Your dog or cat has gotten loose and you don't know where he or she is. Don't panic—there are steps you can take to locate your pet. Here are a few strategies you may want to employ. If you've found a lost pet or stray animal in your area, contact your local shelter for guidance on the best steps to take.
Pets And A New Baby
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Getting ready for a new family member is a busy, exciting time. In addition to all that you need to do to prepare for the new baby, there are a few things you can do to make the transition easier for your pets. Most pets accept a new baby with no problem. But, if you want to be extra careful, you can begin to prepare them ahead of time for the big event.
Traveling By Car With Your Pet
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It's a simple fact, some pet's don't like to travel by car. If your pet does not ride well in a car, consider leaving your pet at home, with friends or family, or in a boarding facility. If your pet hitches a ride with you, consider these tips on how to prepare your pet, and how to keep you pet healthy while traveling by car.
About Animal Behavior
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Behavior is the way an animal acts. An animal's action or response to a stimulus is a behavior. Walking, swimming, flying, eating, blinking, and breathing are all examples of behavior. Animals behave in specific ways for four primary reasons. Animal behaviors are primarily strategies for survival. Animal training is the act of teaching animals specific responses to specific conditions or stimuli.