The tag "dog" relates to: canine, cat, dog training, health, pet health, pet training, pets, responsible pet ownership, tips, and training. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "dog".

Dogs need guidance and consistent training from their people if they are going to live in harmony with humans. All dogs must be taught acceptable behavior, and one way to do that is to train your dog or pay a trainer to do it. Dogs are happiest when they know who's in charge and what's expected of them.

Fleas are tiny, flat, wingless, blood-sucking insects that live on the skin of a host animal. They can carry and transmit serious diseases and are the leading cause of skin problems in domestic dogs and cats. Often, fleas can be seen scurrying under their host's fur, but they can be challenging to catch.

The dogs of today have been bred by people into hundreds of different breeds that come in a wide range of sizes, from toy dogs that weigh a few pounds to large dogs who top the scales at over 100 pounds. This disparity in dog sizes is very different from what nature would have created — that is, extra small sizes are not found in the wild. The result is that people with pet dogs need to be aware of some safety issues.