The tag "health" relates to: canine, cat, dog, exotic, pet adoption, pet health, pets, responsible pet ownership, tips, and zoonotic diseases. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "health".

Keeping backyard poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, and turkeys) is becoming more popular. People enjoy raising baby poultry including chicks, ducklings, goslings, and poults. Many people keep chickens to have fresh eggs. Although keeping backyard poultry can be fun and educational, owners should be aware that poultry can sometimes carry harmful germs that make people sick.

Any dog can bite, thats a fact. Even the cuddliest, fuzziest, sweetest pup can bite if provoked. Most people are bitten by their own dog or one they know. Some owners actually promote aggression in their dogs or allow aggression to go unchecked.

Turtles commonly carry the Salmonella bacteria on their outer skin and shell surfaces. Reptiles like bearded dragons and geckos can also infect people with Salmonella. These little glassy-eyed creatures may look cute and harmless, but small turtles and reptiles like bearded dragons and geckos can make people very ill.

Most animal bites are potentially preventable. Animal bite prevention involves all parties associated with a potential bite incident. this includes the bite victim, animal owner, and the community at large. Each has a role to play in reducing the occurrences of animal bites. Did you know it is estimated that 30% to 90% of dog bites are in some manner provoked?

Getting ready for a new family member is a busy, exciting time. In addition to all that you need to do to prepare for the new baby, there are a few things you can do to make the transition easier for your pets. Most pets accept a new baby with no problem. But, if you want to be extra careful, you can begin to prepare them ahead of time for the big event.

Animals provide many benefits to people. Many people interact with animals in their daily lives, both at home and away from home. Animals provide food, fiber, livelihoods, travel, sport, companionship, and education for people across the globe. Millions of households in the United States have one or more pets. We might come into contact with animals in either urban or rural settings, during travel, while visiting animal exhibits, or while enjoying outdoor activities.

When choosing a pet bird, you should match a bird's attitude, temperament, size, activity level, and life span with your family, your home, and the amount of time you have to spend with your pet. You will also need to provide a safe, sturdy enclosure or cage for your bird.

Basic Cat Care
Guest Author
onCats were domesticated sometime between 4,000 and 8,000 years ago in Africa and the Middle East. Small wild cats started hanging out where humans stored their grain. When humans saw cats up close and personal, they admired felines for their beauty and grace. Here we cover basic care for cats.