The tag "pets" relates to: cat, dog, dog training, health, pet adoption, pet health, pet training, responsible pet ownership, tips, and training. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "pets".

If you want to get started training your dog correctly but aren't sure how, then you are in the correct location. One thing about proper dog training is the more knowledge you have, the more effective your dog training is. This article will help you determine precisely what information applies to you and your canine.

Turtles commonly carry the Salmonella bacteria on their outer skin and shell surfaces. Reptiles like bearded dragons and geckos can also infect people with Salmonella. These little glassy-eyed creatures may look cute and harmless, but small turtles and reptiles like bearded dragons and geckos can make people very ill.

Cats are truly creatures of comfort. They are most secure in their known environment. It is very upsetting to a cat to leave her own territory to visit the veterinary hospital. At the veterinarian's, she will encounter strange people, unusual odors, and a clinical setting. She will hear barking dogs and meowing cats. She will be handled by a stranger, which, for most cats, is unnerving. Learn what you can do to reduce your pets stress levels.

It's every pet parent's nightmare: Your dog or cat has gotten loose and you don't know where he or she is. Don't panic—there are steps you can take to locate your pet. Here are a few strategies you may want to employ. If you've found a lost pet or stray animal in your area, contact your local shelter for guidance on the best steps to take.

Getting ready for a new family member is a busy, exciting time. In addition to all that you need to do to prepare for the new baby, there are a few things you can do to make the transition easier for your pets. Most pets accept a new baby with no problem. But, if you want to be extra careful, you can begin to prepare them ahead of time for the big event.

Animals provide many benefits to people. Many people interact with animals in their daily lives, both at home and away from home. Animals provide food, fiber, livelihoods, travel, sport, companionship, and education for people across the globe. Millions of households in the United States have one or more pets. We might come into contact with animals in either urban or rural settings, during travel, while visiting animal exhibits, or while enjoying outdoor activities.

When choosing a pet bird, you should match a bird's attitude, temperament, size, activity level, and life span with your family, your home, and the amount of time you have to spend with your pet. You will also need to provide a safe, sturdy enclosure or cage for your bird.