The tag "pets" relates to: cat, dog, dog training, health, pet adoption, pet health, pet training, responsible pet ownership, tips, and training. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "pets".
Teaching newborn kitten to use a litter box is fairly straight forward. They have an instinctual knowledge that bowel and bladder elimination must be deposited in a hole dug in the earth and then covered up. If you have just adopted an adult cat and want to train her to use the litter box, patiently start from the beginning.

Bone treats are real bones that have been processed, sometimes flavored, and packaged for dogs. Giving your dog a "bone treat" might lead to an unexpected trip to your veterinarian, a possible emergency surgery, or even death for your pet. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says the risk goes beyond that, especially when it comes to the "bone treats" you may see at the store.

In order to integrate your new cat into your home you need to be committed to helping your cat get comfortable with both you and it's new environment. Cats in general will eventually get accustomed to their physical environment and those who live with them, however, a shy cat will usually hide when first introduced to a new environment.

When you get a new puppy or dog, you'll need to show him or her what is acceptable in your home. Different people may have different rules: Some want to train their dogs to eliminate in litter trays or on paper, while others want all 'bathroom' business to occur outdoors. For your dog to Know what you want, you have to establish a predictable routine.

Feathered pets like parrots can be fascinating additions to the family. Recent estimates say that over 5 million households in the United States have pet birds. Bird owners should be aware that although their pets might be highly intelligent and fun companions, they can sometimes carry germs that can make people sick.

It's a simple fact, some pet's don't like to travel by car. If your pet does not ride well in a car, consider leaving your pet at home, with friends or family, or in a boarding facility. If your pet hitches a ride with you, consider these tips on how to prepare your pet, and how to keep you pet healthy while traveling by car.