The tag "tips" relates to: cat, dog, dog training, health, heat, pet training, pets, responsible pet ownership, summer, and travel. For more tags, view our complete tag index.
The following blog entries have been tagged "tips".

House training older dogs is a more delicate process than with younger dogs. You will also experience more difficulties in house training older dogs as they tend to respond and progress much slower to most training methods and commands than younger dogs. Don't lose hope, we can help, with three (3) tips you can use to housetrain your older dog.

If you want to get started training your dog correctly but aren't sure how, then you are in the correct location. One thing about proper dog training is the more knowledge you have, the more effective your dog training is. This article will help you determine precisely what information applies to you and your canine.

A cat is not a born traveler. She would much prefer staying at home with a sitter stopping by each day to freshen the water, refill the food dish, and give a few behind-the-ear scratches. It is sometimes necessary, however, for your cat to join in the travel. Therefore, a carrier of some sort is essential.