Back in 1984, a scrappy group of friends from far corners of the globe settled in a remote area of Utah's high desert … and took the first steps to forever changing the future for pets in shelters. It's the story of Best Friends, but it's much more than the history of a spot on the map. This group of ordinary but passionate people believed that every pet has a story, too, each one worth saving, each life individual and important.
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Best Friends Animal Society has categorized their posts with the following categories: Dogs, and Pet Health.
Best Friends Animal Society has tagged posts with the following tags: behavior, cat, dog, negative behavior, neuter, pet health, pet vaccination, pets, responsible pet ownership, safety, spay, vaccination, vaccines, veterinarian, and veterinary.
Their most common tags are: dog, pets, cat, safety, and behavior.
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There are many good-quality dog foods for sale; read the labels and talk with your veterinarian if you need help deciding what to feed your dog. Many people only feed their dog dry food, since it’s more convenient to serve, has less odor, is less likely to spoil in the bowl, and can reduce the build-up of tartar on the dog’s teeth. Remember to have fresh, cool water available for your dog at all times.

There are many good-quality dog foods for sale; read the labels and talk with your veterinarian if you need help deciding what to feed your dog. Many people only feed their dog dry food, since it's more convenient to serve, has less odor, is less likely to spoil in the bowl, and can reduce the build-up of tartar on the dog's teeth. Remember to have fresh, cool water available for your dog at all times.

Chasing is a natural instinct for a dog, but it is not appropriate behavior in your home when directed toward your cat. The following guidelines can help you deal with this behavior through management (preventing the problem) and training (motivating the dog to change his behavior). Management means arranging the environment to prevent the behavior.

Chasing is a natural instinct for a dog, but it is not appropriate behavior in your home when directed toward your cat. The following guidelines can help you deal with this behavior through management (preventing the problem) and training (motivating the dog to change his behavior). Management means arranging the environment to prevent the behavior.

Whether or not to vaccinate pets and how often to vaccinate are among the most debated questions in veterinary medicine in recent years. It used to be so easy: You took your dog or cat to your veterinarian once a year, your pet received the recommended vaccinations and whatever other things he or she might need, and you went on your way. Now, the standard of care in veterinary medicine has changed. No longer are we vaccinating every animal every year with every vaccine available.

Spaying or neutering is one of the greatest gifts you can provide your pets. These routine medical procedures not only help control pet overpopulation, but they may also allow your dog to lead a longer, healthier and happier life. Spaying is the surgical removal of a female dog's ovaries and uterus, while neutering is the removal of a male dog's testicles. While both operations are conducted routinely with few complications, only licensed veterinarians are allowed to perform them.

Chasing is a natural instinct for a dog, but it is not appropriate behavior in your home when directed toward your cat. The following guidelines can help you deal with this behavior through management (preventing the problem) and training (motivating the dog to change his behavior). Management means arranging the environment to prevent the behavior.