Guest Author:
For more of my original articles, please visit my Pet Articles blog.
Guest Author has categorized their posts with the following categories: Cats, Dog Training, Dogs, Exotic Species, and Pet Health.
Guest Author has tagged posts with the following tags: behavior, cat, cold, dog, dog training, excessive licking, exotic, feline, ferret, flea control, fleas, health, licking, litter boxes, medical procedure, older dog, pet adoption, pet health, pet training, pets, puppy, responsible pet ownership, scratching, tips, travel, waste, winter, and zoonotic diseases.
Their most common tags are: pets, dog, cat, flea control, and fleas.
Blog Posts:

Fleas are the most common external parasite of pets in North America. Fleas are small wingless insects that use their specialized mouth to pierce the skin and siphon blood from their host. In this article we discuss some popular flea control products that are available from your vet or over the counter.

Man's best friend is living longer than ever. This is due to our beloved canines' increased status as family member and families becoming conscientious about providing their dogs' appropriate veterinary care. As a result, we are faced with a variety of health care issues as they age. No matter which health issue you and your elderly dog may be dealing with, there are several components of good pet care you may wish keep in mind.

If you are a new dog owner or planning on owning one soon, it's important to recognize the value of proper training. Untrained dogs may have traits you don't like. They may bite you or your family members. So if you want your pet to behave properly, you should give it proper training. Proper training can come from a trainer or dog training academy.
Teaching newborn kitten to use a litter box is fairly straight forward. They have an instinctual knowledge that bowel and bladder elimination must be deposited in a hole dug in the earth and then covered up. If you have just adopted an adult cat and want to train her to use the litter box, patiently start from the beginning.