Guest Author:
For more of my original articles, please visit my Pet Articles blog.
Guest Author has categorized their posts with the following categories: Cats, Dog Training, and Pet Health.
Guest Author has tagged posts with the following tags: cat, cat history, dog, dog training, dog trick, feline, health, history, indoor cat, kitten, litter box, mercury, negative behavior, outdoor cat, pet health, pet training, pets, potty training, responsible pet ownership, scratching, spraying, training, and urine.
Their most common tags are: dog, pets, dog training, pet training, and dog trick.
Blog Posts:

First, it is important to understand the difference between spraying (urine marking) and indiscriminate urination. A cat who is not using the litter box, who is urinating outside of the box, is usually motivated by a different set of circumstances. Urination of this kind is found in the form of a puddle on a horizontal surface. A cat who is spraying will usually urine-mark a vertical surface. This cat's urine will be running down a door or the side of a chair.

Egyptians are believed to be the first people to have domesticated cats more than 4,000 years ago. Cats became invaluable to the Egyptians due to the felines' incomparable ability to exterminate mice and other rodents, thereby protecting food stores. Cats became so useful that the Egyptians came to regard cats as sacred feline deities, and killing a cat became a crime punishable by death.

A cat who is acting aggressively may be offensively play fighting or she may be defensively protecting herself. How can we know the difference? A cat that attacks, bites, and scratches without warning and does not quit until the human has a fit, is acting offensively. It is acting out predatory play behavior or practicing killing maneuvers on live prey - you!

Pets can be affected by mercury in many of the same ways humans can. If you break something that contains mercury in your home and your pet is in the area, they could have mercury on their feet or fur. It's important to clean your pet so that they don't get sick or track the mercury through your home.