Guest Author:
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Guest Author has categorized their posts with the following categories: COVID-19, Cats, Dog Training, Dogs, and Pet Health.
Guest Author has tagged posts with the following tags: cat, cat travel, coronavirus, covid-19, crate training, dog, dog care, dog training, dog training equipment, equipment, fearful cat, feline, flea control, fleas, health, kitten, negative behavior, pet health, pet insurance, pet training, pet travel, pets, positive reinforcement, responsible pet ownership, shy cat, tips, training, and travel.
Their most common tags are: shy cat, fearful cat, cat, feline, and pets.
Blog Posts:

Learning how to crate train your dog will require patience. You will need first get your pet comfortable with the crate, then comfortable sitting inside the crate. Only after that will you be able to proceed in building up the duration of time spent inside. It is important to take your time. Rushing here will only make your dog uncomfortable.

Many people refuse to crate or kennel-train their dogs because they feel the confinement is cruel. However, a crate or kennel can give dogs a sense of security. Crate training done correctly is also a highly effective management system that can be a lifesaver for dog owners. Like any training method, crating can be abused, but using a crate for appropriate periods is helpful with various essential goals, including house training, preventing destructive behavior, and teaching a dog to settle and relax.

Pet insurance is not health insurance for your pet, although at times, it sure sounds like it is. While most of us consider our pets members of our families, legally they are personal property. That is why pet insurance is considered a type of property and casualty insurance, like automobile and homeowners policies, as opposed to a health insurance policy.

A cat is not a born traveler. She would much prefer staying at home with a sitter stopping by each day to freshen the water, refill the food dish, and give a few behind-the-ear scratches. It is sometimes necessary, however, for your cat to join in the travel. Therefore, a carrier of some sort is essential.

Cats love to jump. You would too, it you were a cat! They also like high places where they can view their territory from relative security. Cats are naturally curious, and there are a lot of interesting things on counter tops, including food. A one-time discovery of a food tidbit will become a powerful reinforcer for dozens of future explorations.