Blog Posts:
How To Check And Clean Your Cat's Ears
Cats -
An important part of keeping your cat healthly and happy is checking and cleaning their ears. Because the ears are one of the few parts that cats can not reach themselves they need a little help from a loving owner. You may be suprised to learn that special ear cleaning solutions exist specifically for your furry friend. Ask your veterinarian for a gentle ear cleaning solutions you can use to keep your cats ears clean.
Preparing Your Cat For The Veterinarian
Cats -
Cats are truly creatures of comfort. They are most secure in their known environment. It is very upsetting to a cat to leave her own territory to visit the veterinary hospital. At the veterinarian's, she will encounter strange people, unusual odors, and a clinical setting. She will hear barking dogs and meowing cats. She will be handled by a stranger, which, for most cats, is unnerving. Learn what you can do to reduce your pets stress levels.
How To Stay Healthy Around Ferrets
Exotic Species -
Before adopting or buying a pet ferret, make sure a ferret is the right type of pet for your family. Be aware that ferrets can sometimes spread germs that can make people sick. Young children are also at higher risk for bites from ferrets and should never be left unsupervised around ferrets.
Animal Bite Prevention
Pets -
Most animal bites are potentially preventable. Animal bite prevention involves all parties associated with a potential bite incident. this includes the bite victim, animal owner, and the community at large. Each has a role to play in reducing the occurrences of animal bites. Did you know it is estimated that 30% to 90% of dog bites are in some manner provoked?
Finding A Lost Pet
Pets -
It's every pet parent's nightmare: Your dog or cat has gotten loose and you don't know where he or she is. Don't panic—there are steps you can take to locate your pet. Here are a few strategies you may want to employ. If you've found a lost pet or stray animal in your area, contact your local shelter for guidance on the best steps to take.
Pets And A New Baby
Pets -
Getting ready for a new family member is a busy, exciting time. In addition to all that you need to do to prepare for the new baby, there are a few things you can do to make the transition easier for your pets. Most pets accept a new baby with no problem. But, if you want to be extra careful, you can begin to prepare them ahead of time for the big event.